The Hilbert Score
Analyzing STO logs since 2011

Start 5/26/2012, 15:33:46
End 5/26/2012, 15:48:09
Duration 13:11 / 14:23
Season S5: Call to Arms
Map Unknown
Region Space
Type Character Red Alert +P +N - Damage (out) Damage (in) Healing (self) Healing (out) Healing (in)
Garlock@weedierboss 📈 💥 5:30 2 0.2 2 683,319 ≙ 27% 379,959 ≙ 11% 121,712 0 ≙ 0% 9,397
Irrich@kentishlad 📈 💥 4:45 1.3 0 3 410,876 ≙ 16% 300,849 ≙ 9% 83,418 0 ≙ 0% 0
ARHGO@lifesabtch 📈 💥 3:20 2.1 0 3 378,617 ≙ 15% 334,925 ≙ 10% 40,416 0 ≙ 0% 0
Pijjio@wtphk 📈 💥 4:51 0 0 2 359,777 ≙ 14% 915,589 ≙ 28% 538,847 0 ≙ 0% 10,025
Dowcix@Hadurs 📈 💥 3:23 1.3 0 2 333,629 ≙ 13% 340,233 ≙ 10% 113,213 0 ≙ 0% 427
Remus Void@satyrnox 📈 💥 4:17 0.8 0 3 270,184 ≙ 11% 402,646 ≙ 12% 30,443 0 ≙ 0% 0
Olive@David1929 📈 💥 2:13 0.2 0 0 95,979 ≙ 4% 34,916 ≙ 1% 24,729 16,791 ≙ 100% 0
Kato@cdiak 📈 💥 3:31 0 0 4 7,100 ≙ 0% 598,713 ≙ 18% 131,154 0 ≙ 0% 14,097
Totals: 7.7 0.2 19 2,539,481 3,307,830 1,083,932 16,791 33,946
GHQApophis@Zypher2011 📈 💥 8:21 4.1 33.1 3 1,080,516 ≙ 34% 710,395 ≙ 25% 242,909 25,725 ≙ 45% 0
Hilbert@mancom 📈 💥 6:47 5.9 6.9 5 1,046,584 ≙ 33% 1,154,099 ≙ 41% 810,558 9,676 ≙ 17% 21,099
Kewldude@Kewldude 📈 💥 7:52 4.5 1 0 777,224 ≙ 25% 539,015 ≙ 19% 165,668 427 ≙ 1% 13,034
Horatio Nelson@horationelson18 📈 💥 4:12 0.3 5.4 0 205,467 ≙ 7% 386,995 ≙ 14% 208,500 21,099 ≙ 37% 0
Captain CJ@CaptainRedAlert 📈 💥 1:35 0.1 1.5 0 32,171 ≙ 1% 12,947 ≙ 0% 3,588 0 ≙ 0% 0
Totals: 14.8 47.9 8 3,141,962 2,803,451 1,431,223 56,927 34,133

Encounter DPS GHQApophis 1,252 / Hilbert 1,213 / Kewldude 901 / Garlock 792 / Irrich 476 / ARHGO 439 / Pijjio 417 / Dowcix 387 / Remus Void 313 / Horatio Nelson 238 / Olive 111 / Captain CJ 37 / Kato 8
Combat DPS GHQApophis 1,366 / Hilbert 1,323 / Kewldude 982 / Garlock 864 / Irrich 519 / ARHGO 479 / Pijjio 455 / Dowcix 422 / Remus Void 342 / Horatio Nelson 260 / Olive 121 / Captain CJ 41 / Kato 9
Individual red alert DPS Hilbert 2,566 / GHQApophis 2,154 / Garlock 2,069 / ARHGO 1,893 / Kewldude 1,646 / Dowcix 1,639 / Irrich 1,441 / Pijjio 1,236 / Remus Void 1,051 / Horatio Nelson 815 / Olive 718 / Captain CJ 337 / Kato 34