The Hilbert Score
Analyzing STO logs since 2011

Start 6/22/2020, 13:49:57
End 6/22/2020, 14:57:18
Duration 9:09 / 1:07:21
Season S19: Legacy
Map Unknown
Region Space
Entity Hitpoints +P +N - Damage (out) Damage (in) Healing (self) Healing (out) Healing (in)
Leffe Biebs 0 1.1 4.82 0 1,935,702 1,750,933 397,824 1,062 0
Photonic D'deridex Heavy Warbird (5x) 4,302 0 0.77 0 105,135 28,992 0 0 0
Vridyat Ravager (2x) 586 0 0.55 0 34,007 1,061 0 0 0
Photonic Dhelan Warbird (2x) 0 0 0.04 0 19,178 0 0 0 1,161
Photonic Ha'feh Assault Warbird 5,454 0 0 0 16,167 17,131 0 0 0
Chidyat Swarmer (6x) 198 0 0.67 0 5,802 3,510 0 0 0
Non-Baryonic Asteroid 0 0 0.05 0 1,179 0 0 0 0
Singularity 0 0 0 0 792 0 0 0 0
Avernakis 34,745 0 0 0 1,328,374 1,155,856 272,619 0 0
Nakuhl Pet 26,793 0 0 1 17,189 56,697 0 0 0
Sensor Interference Platform (Rank 2) 57,446 0 0 1 5,571 58,147 0 0 0
Evul Jacob 37,331 0.9 1 0 962,106 386,665 107,731 99 0
Singularity 0 0 0.08 0 6,643 0 0 0 0
Anti-Time Entanglement Singularity (Rank 2) 0 0 0 0 1,850 0 0 0 0
Dani 212,956 0 0.57 2 907,635 1,561,985 206,523 0 0
Bird-of-Prey (6x) 2,106 0 0.17 0 106,610 19,162 0 0 0
Klingon Sech Battle Cruiser (2x) 1,153 0 1.22 0 44,574 11,887 0 0 0
Altamid Drone Swarmer (6x) 4,373 0 0 3 3,361 28,219 0 0 0
Singularity 0 0 0 0 124 0 0 0 0
Qray 124 0 0.75 0 78,034 27,141 36,450 0 0
Bird-of-Prey (2x) 18,550 0 0.11 1 19,952 262,980 0 0 0
Protomatter Barrage 0 0 0.23 0 7,784 0 0 0 0
Robin 601 0 0 0 3,982 601 0 0 0
Altamid Drone Swarmer 5,677 0 0 1 35 10,113 0 0 0
Disconnected Assimilator (10x) 201,046 0 4.25 9 469,372 3,228,067 0 0 0
Reconnected Sphere (2x) 17,825 0 1.46 0 57,161 47,280 0 0 0
Planetary Assimilation Probe (6x) 18,613 0 0 2 25,255 169,141 0 0 0
Nakuhl Pet 28,508 0 0 1 0 57,865 0 0 0
Photonic Ha'feh Assault Warbird 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nimbus Pirate Distress Call 1,837 0 0 0 0 10,240 0 0 0
Beacon of Kahless (2x) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Warp Shadow Clone (14x) 21,201 0 0 7 0 344,060 0 0 0
Chidyat Swarmer (5x) 553 0 0 0 0 3,708 0 0 0