The Hilbert Score
Analyzing STO logs since 2011

Start 11/24/2024, 20:57:08
End 11/24/2024, 21:02:10
Duration 3:37 / 5:02
Season S32: Unparalleled
Map Infected: The Conduit ✖
Region Space
Type Character Red Alert +P +N - Damage (out) Damage (in) Healing (self) Healing (out) Healing (in)
Wednesday@sorthak 📈 💥 3:37 0 12.8 2 77,222,527 ≙ 33% 1,943,209 ≙ 33% 455,945 0 ≙ 0% 18,004
Corbin@Longsilvermcbottompants 📈 💥 3:18 0 11.2 2 70,550,252 ≙ 30% 1,322,399 ≙ 22% 488,568 161,112 ≙ 89% 0
Bahamut@Nagic 📈 💥 3:22 0 4.9 2 37,696,784 ≙ 16% 937,870 ≙ 16% 54,645 0 ≙ 0% 11,422
Pepper@pepper8892 📈 💥 2:32 0 5.7 1 33,255,674 ≙ 14% 696,624 ≙ 12% 244,340 20,424 ≙ 11% 8,809
Chelsea@NBS-Spike 📈 💥 3:22 0 4.1 1 12,706,259 ≙ 5% 1,014,759 ≙ 17% 107,575 0 ≙ 0% 12,915
Totals: 0 38.8 8 231,431,496 5,914,861 1,351,073 181,536 51,150

Encounter DPS Wednesday 255,704 / Corbin 233,610 / Bahamut 124,824 / Pepper 110,118 / Chelsea 42,074
Combat DPS Wednesday 355,700 / Corbin 324,967 / Bahamut 173,638 / Pepper 153,181 / Chelsea 58,527
Individual red alert DPS Wednesday 355,700 / Corbin 354,881 / Pepper 218,787 / Bahamut 185,882 / Chelsea 62,809